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ALICE lost in cyberland



a theatre project for children aged 6 and over by MEINHARDT & KRAUSS

"I am not crazy. My reality is just a little different from yours." (the Hatter)

Alice falls and falls and falls into cyberland. The journey through this uncanny world is full of unpredictable surprises. Alice is constantly changing sizes. There are digital rabbits, robotic caterpillars and even an artificial queen. Everything is so terribly confusing and Alice is constantly in danger of forgetting who she is.

Be careful, little Alice, not to lose yourself!

In this electronically crazy cyber world, Alice has curious adventures, meets new friends and finds out who she really is.

But just like Alice, we too are living more and more in a digital world and are surrounded by computers, robots that vacuum for us and mobile phones that tell us where to go or sometimes lead us astray. Perhaps Alice is not the only one lost in cyberland?

A robotic tale based on the story by Lewis Carroll.


CO-PRODUCTION FITZ! Stuttgart, Schaubude Berlin, International Figure Theatre Festival Munich, TAK Liechtenstein

FUNDED BY FITZ! Stuttgart, Schaubude Berlin, International Figure Theatre Festival Munich, TAK Liechtenstein, Conceptual funding Landesverband Freie Tanz- und Theaterschaffender Baden-Württemberg e.V., Conceptual funding Fonds Darstellende Künste Berlin e.V., City of Stuttgart, Nilheim Mechantronic


PREMIERE: 24 October 2020 FITZ! Stuttgart

DIRECTOR Iris Meinhardt
PERFORMANCE Luis Hergón, Coline Petit
VIDEO Katharina Wibmer
FIGURE BUILDING Iris Meinhardt / Alice Therese Gottschalk
SCENOGRAPHY Michael Krauss
MUSIC/COMPOSITION Thorsten Meinhardt
ROBOTICS Nils Bennett / Michael Krauss / Alice Therese Gottschalk
LIGHT/TECH Nadja Weber
COSTUME Tiara Mana



cinematic theatre

Kleinhohenheim 1
70599 Stuttgart

Tel: 0711 25371635


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